The first time I approached a company and ask for sponsorship it went pretty well. We ended our conversation with a hand shake and the gentleman mentioning he just needed my resume. I answered with a puzzled tone Resume, what do you mean my employment resume? He answered back no your fishing resume. Wow a fishing resume I had never though of having one. I told him I’d have to work on one and send it to him. I went home and thought about how am I going to write this fishing / sponsor resume? What do I include in the resume? I asked a few other good anglers I knew and they gave me advice on how they had written their resume. I also searched the web and found some others. After evaluating all of them I came up with the format I have included below. Is it right? I don’t honestly know but it’s the format that I personally use and is being accepted.
Remember the resume helps, its not the deciding factor. Try not to brag or build yourself to be the world’s greatest anglers. Most times your win’s, finishes, or what trails you fish aren’t even a factor in a decision. Try to be specific in how you can help and what you plan to do to help promote their company and products. Its all about what you can do for the specific company, not what they can do you for. The more you can differentiate yourself from everyone else the better chance you will have than other thousands of anglers also asking for sponsorship.
Include a few nice photographs of yourself. Major sponsors will want to see who you are. I include a picture of myself in my boat, working our annual kid’s tournament, myself doing a seminar and a picture at a weigh in. I personally feel that pictures really add to the resume. To top off the resume and make it more professional I add a cover sheet. I have the basic with my name and tournament angler resume on the front with a nice picture of myself between the words. I put all this is a clear report binder, as it presents a very neat appearance. These are inexpensive and can be bought at any drug or department store. This is what a have developed and do for my resume. I hope that you have found the article to be informative and helpful.
Home Phone
Cell Phone
( Insert and explanation of plan of what you can do for the sponsor and how you can help promote their product. )
( Give an over view of yourself. Date of birth, martial status, and any children. Also list any hobbies that you might have. If you are involved in function of a fishing web site or contribute articles regularly to a web site, news paper, or magazine. Also mention any charity or children’s events you are involved in.)
( List any current sponsors and anyone that helps you out example local tackle shops, auto repair places)
( List your current employer and job description)
( List the school and college you attended and the years and majors)
(List any clubs that you have been a member of. Include any office or directors position you might have had. You can also give a brief description of any accomplishment you might have had in your club.)
Major Previous Year Accomplishments:
(List any wins or top finishes you had in major tournaments you fished the previous year. )
Past Accomplishments:
(List any prior major accomplishments you achieved that is fishing related from old major tournament finishes, starting a new tournament trail, etc. I also include any seminars I have done.)
Current Year Tournament Trails To Be Fished
(List the current tournament trails you plan on fishing or are fishing)
Past Tournament Experience:
(List any past tournament trails the you have fished)
Media Exposure:
(List any type of major articles that might have been written about you or any fishing related television appearance you have made)