A remedial action project completion (RAPC) is the actual construction or implementation of a discrete scope of activities supporting a Superfund cleanup. Each RAPC is generally designed to achieve progress toward specific remedial action objectives (RAOs) identified in CERCLA remedy decision documents (e.g., a Record of Decision, a ROD amendment). RAPC is an EPA Annual Commitment System (ACS) performance measure established in 2011 that augments the site-wide construction completion measure to better communicate incremental progress toward completion of cleanup activities. As of October 2014, Superfund is reporting RAPC accomplishments at sites with Superfund Alternative Approach (SAA) agreements.
Section 2 of the Close Out Procedures for NPL sites provides more information on RAPCs.
Construction completion is a milestone that indicates all physical construction required for the cleanup of the entire site has been completed (even though final cleanup levels may not have been achieved). For example, a groundwater treatment system has been constructed though it may need to operate for a number of years in order for all contaminants to be removed from the groundwater.
Section 3 of Close Out Procedures for NPL Sites provides more information on construction completions.
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